The average house price on MADOLINE GROVE is £74,548
The most expensive house in the street is 1 MADOLINE GROVE with an estimated value of £99,281
The cheapest house in the street is 5 MADOLINE GROVE with an estimated value of £51,719
The house which was most recently sold was 6 MADOLINE GROVE, this sold on 4 Oct 2019 for £50,000
The postcode for MADOLINE GROVE is HU9 2SA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 MADOLINE GROVE Terraced £99,281 £57,000 14 Jul 2006
2 MADOLINE GROVE Terraced £75,771 £35,500 16 Feb 2004
5 MADOLINE GROVE Terraced £51,719 £20,000 29 Nov 2002
6 MADOLINE GROVE Terraced £61,770 £50,000 4 Oct 2019
7 MADOLINE GROVE Terraced £98,385 £59,950 16 Feb 2007
8 MADOLINE GROVE Terraced £60,364 £45,000 15 Jul 2016